About Bold North Recovery

Bold North Recovery (BNR) is a training, education and workforce development organization. Our focus is on building, growing and sustaining the substance use disorder peer recovery workforce in Minnesota and beyond.
BNR is a Minnesota Certification Board (MCB) approved provider of the peer recovery curriculum. BNR’s founder is a Recovery Coach Professional Facilitator (RCPF) for the Connecticut Community for Addiction Recovery (CCAR). A RCPF trainer has been and is authorized to facilitate all of CCAR’s curriculum. In many instances, when agencies contact CCAR to host a training, CCAR calls upon a local RCPF to represent them. All CCAR’s peer recovery curriculum is approved by NAADAC and accepted nationally at most certification boards including IC&RC Member boards.
BNR has served the educational needs of the peer recovery workforce since 2019.
Since June 2019, BNR has graduated 445 individuals - representing more than 100 cities, 18 states/provinces and two countries – from a recovery coach academy. In 2022, during the coronavirus global pandemic, BNR’s founder and principal Randy Anderson facilitated 44 trainings and/or presentations that involved participants from over 300 cities, 35 states/provinces, and seven countries. From February 2018 to February 2019, Mr. Anderson served as the overdose prevention manager for the Steve Rummler Hope Network (SRHN). During that one year, under the management of Mr. Anderson, SRHN distributed 12,469 overdose prevention rescue kits, trained 4,751 people, and facilitated 241 trainings in more than 67 Minnesota counties. Also, during that one-year period under Mr. Anderson’s management, the SRHN’s overdose prevention program grew by adding 177 new partnering organizations.
Our 2022 Impact in Numbers:
44 Trainings and/or Presentations
More than 800 participants from 100+ cities, 10+ states and 2 countries
353+ training hours
More than 9000 CEUs (available to award)
Collaborated or partnered with 50+ organizations
Participated in 40+ community events/conferences/trainings